CONDUCT POLICY: At Paws & Claws Animal Hospital, we focus on the importance of a positive environment for our team members, clients, and patients. We expect everyone from all parties to remain civillized and act wih respect, which will create the desired outcome for all. However, there are certain behaviors that can get in the way of such an experience. We operate with a zero-tolerance policy with regard to violence and abusive behavior. It is also our commitment to uphold the same standards with our staff and request you speak with management if you feel this is not being upheld.
We will not tolerate:
• Foul or offensive language towards our staff
• Hostile verbal attacks
• Angry outburst
• Direct or implied threats to our personal safety or reputation
• Aggressive or menacing behavior towards people or pets
• Destruction of property
• Harassment by repeated visits, calls, or messages
• Any other objectionable behavior that disrupts our business and disturbs our veterinarians, team members, clients, and/or patients.
Should any of our staff experience such incident with any clients who engage in any of these behaviors while on hospital property will be given a warning. All staff members are authorized to contact law enforcement if necessary to remove a disruptive or threatening client from our premises. This is in order to safeguard our practice staff, clients, and patients.
Our hospital management team is authorized to terminate the clinic’s relationship with any client who, in their judgement, violates this policy. Copies of the patient’s medical records will be sent immediately to the clients address on file, and no further services will be offered to the client or members of their household